Impersonation - Where someone pretends to be someone else online.Hoaxes – A lie designed to seem truthful.People share these posts on social media, encouraging others to do the same. Harmful online challenges – Online challenges sometimes show people doing dangerous things.Hacking – Accessing or using computer systems or networks without authorisation, often by exploiting weaknesses in security.Disinformation - Deliberate intent to spread wrong information.Discrimination and abuse on the grounds of protected characteristics – It can be an offence to stir up hatred – 'inciting hatred' - on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics.For example, by sending threatening messages. Cyberstalking – Repeatedly using electronic communications to harass or frighten someone.ĭigital safeguarding means protecting everyone at Girlguiding from online harms like: This policy relates closely to our Safeguarding policy and Managing information policy. We follow the same safeguarding principles for Girlguiding’s activities offline and online. This includes people who use our digital services and social media channels. We’re committed to safeguarding everyone in Girlguiding. If you have a safeguarding concern – offline or online – you must report it. You must read them alongside our Safeguarding policy and procedure. It’s important you follow this policy and its procedure. This policy explains our approach to staying safe online, and what we expect of our volunteers and staff. International experiences without going abroadĭigital safeguarding is how we help everyone at Girlguiding stay safe online.